Study Finds Stark Gender Pay Gap
Do You Have to Be A Bitch to Get Equal Pay?
This story is everywhere. But, of course, there's never been a time when we did not have a "stark" pay gap. Possibly it's getting starker. Lord knows everything else is.
But is there some way we can blame this pay gap on women? Well, yeah, the woman on CNN is saying that women are just not aggressive enough. Let me finish that thought. Women aren't men. Women smile too much. Women are too nice.
Except when we are bitches.
Stark pay gap for US women graduates
College-educated American women working full time earn dramatically less than male colleagues in the same field even just one year out of university, according to a new report.
The report, released on Monday by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, a Washington, DC-based group, said that one year after receiving a college degree, women make 80 per cent of what their male counterparts earn. . .
Ten years after graduation, women fall further behind, earning 69 per cent of what men earn. By that point, college-educated men have more authority in the workplace than do their female counterparts. For instance, men are more likely to be involved in hiring and firing, supervising others and setting pay.
The report, which analysed data from the US Department of Education on nearly 20,000 college graduates from the years 1992-93 and 1999-2000, also said that even after controlling for hours, occupation, parenthood, and other factors, the pay disparity remains.
The study showed that while in college, women outperformed men academically, and their grade point averages were higher in every major subject, including science and mathematics.
Photo: President John F. Kennedy signs the 1963 Equal Pay Act into law. Don't you feel better?
Gender Pay Gap Equal Pay Feminism Politics News