Just in time for Loyal Bushie Alberto Gonzales' well-rehearsed
It makes you wonder what the hell is in all those allegedly lost emails.
New York Times: WASHINGTON, April 13 — A Justice Department e-mail message released on Friday shows that the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales proposed replacement candidates for United States attorneys nearly a year before they were dismissed in December 2006. The department has repeatedly stated that no successors were selected before the dismissals.
Mr. Sampson testified under oath on March 29 at a hearing of Senate Judiciary Committee that he had no candidates in mind to replace any of the fired prosecutors.
Loyal Bushie Sampson under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 29:
SCHUMER: Did you or did you not have in mind specific replacements for the dismissed U.S. Attorneys before they were asked to resign on December 7th, 2006.
SAMPSON: I personally did not. On December 7th, I did not have in mind any replacements for any of the seven who were asked to resign.
Oh, and NPR is reporting that it was Loyal Bushie Karl Rove who had the idea "to fire all 93 U.S. attorneys." It's so hard to tally all the lies, but wasn't there one about this too?
Alberto Gonzales Bush Karl Rove AttorneyGate Sampson News Politics Loyal Bushies