Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tom Delay: I Report for CNN in My Dreams

Tom Delay claims -- via the Wall Street Journal -- that he is about to be hired by CNN as a news commentator. The indicted Republican boasts, "I may be their only conservative on air, but someone has to do it."

Let's see now, was lying one of the things Delay was indicted for?

Cause CNN reports that it has no plans for a segment called: News from Indicted Republicans or -- I Report from Prison for CNN.

In fact, a CNN spokesperson denies that Delay will even be hired.

Speaking of Delay's future:

"I'll be done with Tom DeLay when he's in jail. I don't know if it's going to happen in Texas [where he has been indicted for conspiring to violate campaign finance laws] or not, but I think he's going to be indicted here [D.C.] in the [Jack] Abramoff scandal. He could be facing 10 years." --Melanie Sloan, Director of CREW, quoted in Ms. Magazine