Thursday, March 08, 2007

Purging for Politics: The Gonzales Eight

The lows of the Bush Administration just never quit. So, what do you call it when prosecutors around the country are fired for the crime of refusing to play dirty politics at election time?

Duh. You call it the Republican Party, of course.

But that's what the suckers get for daring to be "moderate" Republicans in a Radical Republican Regime.

They should count themselves lucky that they haven't been Purged to Poland for a little Torture.

NY Times editorial:

The hearings left little doubt that the Bush administration had all eight — an unprecedented number — ousted for political reasons. But it points to even wider abuse; prosecutors suggest that three Republican members of Congress may have tried to pressure the attorneys into doing their political bidding. . . .

Two of the fired prosecutors testified that they had been dismissed after resisting what they suspected were importunings to use their offices to help Republicans win elections. A third described what may have been a threat of retaliation if he talked publicly about his firing. . .

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’s claim that these prosecutors were fired for poor performance was always difficult to believe. Now it’s impossible.