Monday, March 19, 2007

Nashville's Anti Al Gore Gannett Paper

The paper we like to call the Southern Baptist Times has finally found something besides church news to put on its front page.

Al Gore will testify before the House and Senate about global warming this week. The Tennessean, aka, the Southern Baptist Times, decided to mark the event by firing off another hit job at the former Vice President.

The Gannett paper has never been shy about alienating readers.

This is the same Gannett paper that was recently seen snooping through Gore's utility bills.

The front page headline in Sunday’s edition of the Southern Baptist Times:

Tenn. Mine Enriched Gore, Scarred Land

Wade through the very long and boring story and you discover that Al Gore does not and never did own the zinc mine. Gore -- along with hundreds of other Tennessee residents -- was merely paid royalties in return for access to the underground zinc.

Enriched? Gore earns as much in 3 speaking engagements as he earned in 30 years from this little ole' zinc mine. The zinc mine has enriched Tennessee a hell of a lot more than it has enriched Al Gore.

The state of Tennessee has judged the mine to have no real environmental problems, and no one can recall any "health problems ever associated with the mining."

But there have been serious environmental problems with zinc mines in some other states. And one day it might happen here. If it does, it will be Al Gore's fault.

The Southern Baptist Times is an embarrassingly conservative environ-mental pollutant that spreads misinformation via National Enquirer style headlines.

That's the only story here. [via memeorandum]

Graphic seen at Down With Tyranny!