Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lawmakers Term Al Gore a Tennessean of the Greatest Stature

Some of the local flat-earthers have been so hostile to Al Gore that it is gratifying to note that the state legislature has had the good sense to pass a resolution (SJR0143 - pdf) honoring the former Vice President.

According to the resolution -- which passed by an overwhelming majority -- the State of Tennessee honors Al Gore for his remarkably successful world-wide campaign to move the planetary emergency of global warming into the public discourse.

The resolution honors "a Tennessean of the greatest stature, whose tenacious quest to warn the world about global warming and to effect change culminated in the documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth.' "

The State of Tennessee honors Al Gore for "helping to shift U.S. public opinion on the need for urgent action to curb man-made emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming."

The resolution passed in the House by a vote of 82 to 2. Ten Republicans petulant flat-earthers abstained. The Senate passed the measure by a vote of 30 to 0.

The state joke, Stacey Campfield (R) uttered some drivel about adding an amendment to name Gore the "hypocrite of the year," but everyone rolled their eyes and ignored the state joke.

It has been so long since we have seen one that we may not remember what one looks like. We may not recognize that Al Gore has become a statesman. -- Nicholas von Hoffman, The Nation