Friday, March 16, 2007

Gonzales Pulls a Libby

According to Sen. Chuck Schumer, the emails exposing Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales as liars -- who were involved in the prosecutor firings from the outset -- were leaked by a seriously pissed Bush administration official.

It appears that the Bushies may finally get to endure just a tiny taste of the living nightmare they have inflicted upon the world.

But the Bushies have a plan. Heh. When all the lies come crashing down, it's time to invoke the most famous Republican defense of all . . . uh, I forget, er, I can't remember, uhm, my memory fails me, uh, I have no recollection, duh, I mean I am a forgetful Republican . . .

Statement from DoJ:

"The Attorney General has no recollection of any plan or discussion to replace U.S. Attorneys while he was still White House Counsel. The period of time referred to in the email was during the weeks he was preparing for his confirmation hearing, January 6th, 2005, and his focus was on that. Of course, discussions of changes in Presidential appointees would have been appropriate and normal White House exchanges in the days and months after the election as the White House was considering different personnel changes Administration wide." [via ]

Graphic seen at All Hat No Cattle