The must-read for the weekend comes from Matt Stoller over at MyDD:
The Progressive Convulsions Start
"With the announcement that Lieberman is going to give the Democratic radio response to Bush on Walter Reed, it's pretty well confirmed that progressives are shut out of the Congressional halls of power. First it was Feingold's defunding proposal being poleaxed, then Hoyer winning the Majority Leader contest, then it was Murtha's plan sandbagged by Blue Dogs, then it was Reid allowing Fox News as the anchor for the Nevada Presidential debate, then it was Joe Biden and Carl Levin failing to do anything substantive on Iraq, and now it's a full-throated embrace of Lieberman. And yes, this was Harry Reid's choice. . . "
"If you're mad, well, so am I."
Read more . . .
Joe Lieberman News Politics Progressives Democrats Walter Reed Bush DLC