Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Livin' in the 'Anti Christian Ghetto'

Salon has an interesting piece on the leader of the wingnutty Catholic League: Bill Donohue vs. the world (especially women).

Can you believe that Amanda Marcotte thinks there's something sexist about Christianity?

"After firing and then rehiring the bloggers last week, the flare-up looked to be temporarily soothed, until Marcotte posted a review of 'Children of Men' on Sunday on her personal blog. Her review included the sentence, 'The Christian version of the virgin birth is generally interpreted as super-patriarchal, where god is viewed as so powerful he can impregnate without befouling himself by touching a woman, and women are nothing but vessels,' prompting Donohue to issue a press release called 'Edwards Blogger Strikes Again: They Must Be Fired Now!' in which he argued that 'anyone who actually believes that the birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary is 'generally interpreted' as being a sexist exercise obviously lives in an anti-Christian ghetto.'"

Amanda's Review of Children of Men