Monday, February 26, 2007
Krugman On: Substance Over Image
The title says it all. Can we please have one election that is not straight out of high school? Probably not.
by Paul Krugman
Six years ago a man unsuited both by intellect and by temperament for high office somehow ended up running the country.
How did that happen? First, he got the Republican nomination by locking up the big money early.
Then, he got within chad-and-butterfly range of the White House because the public, enthusiastically encouraged by many in the news media, treated the presidential election like a high school popularity contest. The successful candidate received kid-gloves treatment — and a free pass on the fuzzy math of his policy proposals — because he seemed like a fun guy to hang out with, while the unsuccessful candidate was subjected to sniggering mockery over his clothing and his mannerisms.
Read more . . .
Paul Krugman News Politics 2008 Bush 2000