Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pelosi's Truth is Bush's Poison

Apparently, truth is like poison to Bushie. No wonder 'we the people' get so little of it from the big bad Boy King.

But now we have Speaker Pelosi, who has the enviable job of delivering the people's poison to the liars in the White House.


"The president knows that because the troops are in harm's way, that we won't cut off the resources. That's why he's moving so quickly to put them in harm's way," Pelosi said on ABC's "Good Morning America."

When asked whether she thought the president manipulated the deployments to avoid congressional action, Pelosi said she hoped he did not but thought "he could have told us about it sooner. ... We found out about it as the troops were going in."

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino retorted that lawmakers are involved in a "sound bite war" against Bush, counter to Democrats' promises of bipartisanship.

"Those particular comments were poisonous," Perino said. "I think questioning the president's motivations and suggesting that he, for some political reason, is rushing troops into harm's way, is not appropriate, it is not correct, and it is unfortunate because we do have troops in harm's way." [via ]

Think Progress has a video clip of Pelosi's Good Morning America interview.

Photo: AP