Sunday, December 03, 2006

Historians Weigh In on Worst pResident Ever

Historians continue to debate the great question of the day. Is George W. Bush the worst pResident ever?

Or is The Decider merely the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th worst president ever?

The Washington Post brings us the views of a number of historians. Some of these should be inscribed on the walls of Dubya's pResidential library. I'm not sure what the heck they are going to actually put in to that joke of a presidential library. Maybe they can find something over there in the forgotten land of Poland.

Snippets of the thoughts of historians on the Worst pResident Ever:

Move Over, Hoover -- "[T]he truth is, after six years in power and barring a couple of miracles, it's safe to bet that Bush will be forever handcuffed to the bottom rungs of the presidential ladder. . . He has joined Hoover as a case study on how not to be president." -- Douglas Brinkley

He's Only Fifth Worst -- "The fact that Bush followed the invasion of Afghanistan, which had sheltered al-Qaeda, with the toppling of Saddam Hussein, will puzzle historians for centuries. It is as though, after Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, FDR had asked Congress to declare war on Argentina. . . Like all presidents, George W. Bush wants to be remembered. He will get his wish -- as the fifth-worst president in U.S. history." -- Michael Lind

At Least He's Not Nixon -- "Bush has two years left in his presidency and we don't know what they'll hold. They may be as dismal as the first six. Future investigations may bear out many people's worst fears about this administration's violations of civil liberties. And it's conceivable that the consequences of the invasion of Iraq may prove more destructive than those of Nixon's stubborn continuation of the Vietnam War. Should those things happen, Bush will be able to lay a claim to the mantle of U.S. history's worst president. For now, though, I'm sticking with Dick." -- David Greenberg

He's The Worst Ever -- "Historians are loath to predict the future. It is impossible to say with certainty how Bush will be ranked in, say, 2050. But somehow, in his first six years in office he has managed to combine the lapses of leadership, misguided policies and abuse of power of his failed predecessors. I think there is no alternative but to rank him as the worst president in U.S. history." -- Eric Foner