NEW YORK, NY (IWR News Satire) - NBC News on Tuesday began referring to the George Bush "that lying little SOB", calling President Bush what many other news organizations have avoided.
Matt Lauer said on the "Today" show that "after careful consideration, NBC News has decided that a change in terminology is warranted, because Mr. Bush is congenital liar, by anybody's book."
I really needed this gem from the good folks at Internet Weekly. Some days watching the alleged leader of the free world deny reality gets to me. I'm still wondering why Bush hasn't been laughed out of office, and if the media would only call him on the bullshit, it could happen. Call me crazy, but I have Not resigned myself to two more years!
In a post titled, On Calling Bullshit, Dan Froomkin urges the msm to wake up:
"If mainstream-media political journalists don’t start calling bullshit more often, then we do risk losing our primacy — if not to the comedians then to the bloggers."
Related TGW post: NBC News: Iraq War Is Now A Civil War
NBC Politics Iraq Civil War U.S. Media Bush Republicans News