Thursday, November 16, 2006

'Choose Life' Plates Coming Soon

Come December it's going to become easier to spot anti-choicers in this state. The Choose Life plates are scheduled to be on vehicles by Dec. 1, and Rep. Glen Casada (R - Franklin), one of the bill's sponsors, says he's putting one on his car immediately.

Money from the sales will go to New Life Resources (4808 Charlotte Ave, Nashville (615) 269-5441). According to the bill, the funds are to "be used exclusively for counseling and financial assistance, including food, clothing and medical assistance, for pregnant women in Tennessee." At that last link, scroll down for a list of the "crisis pregnancy centers" across the state that will be funded by the sale of the plates.

I recognize one of them. The Hope Clinic at 1810 Hayes Street, Nashville. I guess just anyone can call themselves a clinic in this state. I know one of the Hope Clinic's clients. She received no medical care because they had no medical staff. She went in for advice about an abortion, and she got a sermon. She left the place in tears and was harassed with phone calls and snail mail for months afterward.

How nice of the state to fund this outfit. Did I mention that New Life Resources, which apparently oversees the state's fake clinics, is run by Brian Harris, the president of Tennessee Right to Life?

You know you live in a red state when you can persuade the state to help you raise money to support your religious beliefs.

Our Democratic Governor is supposed to be pro choice. To prove it, he let the bill become law without his signature. As always, boldness and courage is not what Tennessee Democrats are known for.

The Choose Choice plate holder pictured above is available at Syracuse Cultural Workers (on the same page they also have a couple of cool choice items from TGW).