Sunday, November 05, 2006

Are All Republicans Gay?

Adulterous gay sex and meth too, oh my!

Another day, another Republican confesses to "sexual immorality" and admits to being "a deceiver and a liar," too.

It's just too bad that Bush's advisor, Pastor Ted Haggard wasn't also a GOP Congressman, cuz he's obviously qualified and would feel so at home with all those other deceivers and liars in the party known as the Dark Side.

"There's a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it all my adult life," Haggard said.

"In the wake of accusations by a former male escort that the Rev. Ted Haggard had a three-year sexual relationship with him, an independent oversight board at Mr. Haggard’s New Life Church found that he had “committed sexually immoral conduct” on Saturday and dismissed him as senior pastor."

We're still waiting for Bushie to issue a statement telling us that the White House consultant and leader of some 30 million 'happy homophobes' has been doin' a heckuva job!