The GOP is trying to get your mind off the fear that a Republican Congressman might come near your child. So they've put together a spooky Halloween ad warning you that if you don't vote for the Dark Side, Osama's gonna get you!
Sorry GOP, but that is so last season.
This season, Americans trust Democrats to do a far better job than Republicans on pretty well everything, except having sex with children.
And, yes, 'everything' includes hurricanes and the war on terror.
But for those of you who need more proof that we are living under the rule of a dishonorable government, go see the spooky ad. It's also good for a laugh.
Jim Kuhnhenn at the AP calls it a "hard hitting ad" -- maybe I'm a bit jaded, but I found Kuhnhenn's description to be the only scary thing about the ad. I don't think it's going to scare anyone other than small children. But the Dark Side is planning to run it on cable. It's embarrassing.
But even conservatives are embarrassed by the Bush cabal.
When you don't have a record of achievement to run on, trying to scare people into voting for you may look like a good plan -- if you are a low life moron with absolutely no sense of right and wrong.
Update: DNC Responds to GOP's 'Osama Will Get You' Ad with Bin Laden Bush Video
GOP Bush Republicans Politics Mark Foley Osama bin Laden GOP Ad News War on Terrorism