If you haven't yet seen the Republican Party's Sleazy Blonde-Bimbo Ad -- still playing in Tennessee -- you should go have a look. This blog was slammed all weekend -- thank you Talking Points Memo -- and the most frequent response I heard was disbelief. When you first see it, you'll think it's a joke, but it is indeed an ad from the party of family values.
But here's news of yet another sleazy ad approved by the Republican Party.
A GOP ad airing in New York, shows Democrat Michael Arcuri leering at the silhouette of a dancing woman who says, ''Hi, sexy. You've reached the live, one-on-one fantasy line.''
The following text appears: "A phone number to an adult hot line appeared on Michael Arcuri's NYC hotel bill. The call was charged to Oneida County taxpayers."
The woman's dancing silhouette and the footage of Arcuri return.
More text appears, stating, "Arcuri has denied it. But the facts are there. Michael Arcuri. Bad Call."
Michael Arcuri has a 12-year-old daughter who presumbably watches TV. The price of the one minute call was $1.25. And phone records document that the call was a wrong number!
Apparently, the ad is still running. The stay-the-course party stands by the ad. The GOP also stands by the current sleaze ad aimed at Harold Ford. Ford's opponent claims to be offended by the Sleazy Blonde-Bimbo ad and says he has asked the RNC to pull it. If this is true, the RNC doesn't listen to Bob Corker. The RNC stands by the ad. It's still running.
I don't know about you, but any day now I expect to see Janet Jackson's breast in an ad brought to me by the party of family values. Can we at least get the GOP to run the steamy ads for their family values candidates after 10pm?
Think of the children!
Michael Arcuri Harold Ford Politics Bob Corker Tennessee U.S. Senate Republicans RNC Attack Ads