Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's Just a Flag

It's just an image of a flag so George W. Bushie put his big ugly pResidential foot on it during a day spent in 9/11 remembrance rituals.

And why not?

By all indications, the testosterone king thinks he owns this country.

The testy King of Violence warned: "[T]he war is not over and it will not be over until either we or the [other] extremists emerge victorious."

While cocksure George remembered September 11, as a day of horrendous violence which gave the Raging War pResident an excuse to shock and awe the world with years of horrendous violence, some remembered September 11, as the birthday of Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

"On September 11, 1906, Gandhi called on his compatriots to use non-violent means to disobey the law . . . "