Monday, August 07, 2006

Waiting for Lieberman to Fall Links

While we wait....

Outstanding Lieberman-Loserman vs. Lamont videos:

Joe Lieberman's Greatest Hits
Dear Joe: A GOP Love Letter
Ned Lamont on the Colbert Report

Lieberman cuts into Ned Lamont's lead "the day before Connecticut's Democratic primary, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. The poll shows Lamont leading Lieberman, 51% to 45%." -- via Progressive Wire

Joe Lieberman's last ditch, hastily re-written, effort to convince you: He's NOT George Bush! -- via Lamont Blog

I'm not Bush, Pleads Lieberman -- via New York Daily News

Lieberman's last-ditch lame attempt to explain his support for the war -- via New York Times

Hear the Campaign song for Blue America candidates -- "Have you had enough?" -- via Crooks and Liars

Joe wasn’t really telling Dems to shut the f**k up with the criticism of George Bush. That’s just how they talk in Connecticut. -- via Tbobb

When your friends won't vote for you . . . -- via Skippy

Why I Support Ned Lamont -- via firedoglake

Volunteer at the Lamont campaign

Lieberman falls and Gore Ascends - "My own view is that Gore is the only Democratic candidate for president who could conceivably mount a credible challenge to McCain." -- via Andrew Sullivan

Cokie Roberts: A Ned Lamont win would be a "disaster" for the Democratic Party, cause nominating candidates who represent the views of Americans is just not the American way. -- via Heretik

ROBERTS: But it's -- it's, I think, a disaster for the Democratic Party, and it's going to be very interesting to see what happens as a result of it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Disaster for the Democratic Party? Why?

ROBERTS: Yes. I do, because, I think that first of all, that pushing the party to the left, which is what's likely to happen, is pushing the party to the position from which it traditionally loses. ---via Inactivist

Cuz, otherwise Democrats Win Elections! duh.

Why Tuesday Is Important -- via 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera

Lieberman funnies -- via Mia Culpa

The Moderate Voice offers analysis and more links.

I stole the Lamont sign from firedoglake, you should go steal it too.