So, we knew that conservatives have a serious Daddy Complex, and now an academic study confirms it. John Dean appeared on MSNBC's Keith Olbermann show to reveal the details of a 50 year academic study which finds: conservatives are far more likely to obey authoritarian cowboys than are liberals. In Dean's words, "[T]hey're very aggressive in their effort to pursue and help their authority figure out or authority beliefs out. They will do whatever needs to be done in many regards. They will blindly follow." --via Raw Story
Dean came across the study while doing the research for his new book: Conservatives Without Conscience. Avedon Carol has more on the appropriately named book.
Rightwing Colorado lawmakers have passed a punitive immigration bill "that denies public assistance to anyone who isn't in Colorado legally." For some reason, the bill actually permits children to receive the luxuries of food and healthcare. Republicans are outraged. Food and healthcare for children who are not U.S. citizens? The communist revolution has arrived! Rep. Debbie Stafford, R-Aurora, reacts: "We're helping create the next generation of terrorists." --via Kevin Drum at Political Animal
Viper Update: Coulter the Cruel gets away with plagiarism. -- via the Heretik
"Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman can count his unconditional Democratic Caucus supporters on one hand — and still have fingers left over. . Centrists Mark Pryor (Ark.), Ken Salazar (Colo.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.) are the only Democrats who have indicated they will back Lieberman if he loses the Aug. 8 primary to businessman Ned Lamont and seeks reelection without a party affiliation. . " -- The Hill via Cursor
White House staffers get a $4,200 raise, while the White House fights against the outrage of a $2 minimum wage increase . . . "For the fifth time in less than two weeks, Republicans in the House of Representatives .. voted to block a vote on legislation to increase the national minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour." --via Think Progress
More on the 'Politics of Greed' from Molly Ivins: "Bush’s tax cuts (extended until 2010) save those earning between $20,000 and $30,000 an average of $10 a year, while those making $1 million are saved $42,700." -- via True Blue Liberal
"Embattled, unpopular Senator Rick 'Anal Froth' Santorum distributed a brochure this week called 'Fifty Things You May Not Know About Rick Santorum.'" -- via WTF Is It Now?
Finally, The Bush Pilot is a short video that answers some pressing questions about Bush. It will make you laugh. Those Germans really don't like him. --via Avedon Carol at the always informative Sideshow
Bush News Politics 2006 Republicans Coulter John Dean