Check out this CNN headline: Bush frustration sparks expletive. I like Raw Story's better: Bush caught cursing on open mic.
What Bushie said at the summit of world leaders was so bad that CNN couldn't print it. But it was so important that it rated a headline. I took the liberty of filling in the blank for you, cause CNN can't print it, but for some reason they can, and are, playing the UNCENSORED, heh, video.
I hope some Church Ladies are reading this blog.
Not realizing his remarks were being picked up by a microphone at the summit of world leaders, Bush bluntly expressed his frustration with the actions of Hezbollah.
"See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this [ shit ]," Bush told Blair in a discussion before the Group of Eight leaders began their lunch.

Update: Some people don't 'get' why it's headline news around the world when the alleged leader of the free world gets caught eating with his mouth open (!) and using vulgar language (!) at the WORLD LEADERS SUMMIT.
I think a reader at TPM says it best:
"People ask why the U.S. is in the midst of this crisis. This recording provides a simplistic but understandable answer. While none of the major media will directly offer this intepretation, I think it's clear that they feel that this brief clip captures a president who does not look emotionally or intellectually capable of leading in this crisis.
In a world where our media is incapable of directly stating that view, clips like this exist as a proxy for honest analysis. It's news because it stands for what the media feels it cannot say."
As if to confirm the point, the Washington Post has the video. The Washington Post is certainly not known for embedding videos in their news stories. Crooks and Liars is.
There's also the point that the world loves a good joke and in this case, the joke is America, a nation that would permit a fool like this to "govern" it.
But Chris Matthews introduced his show today with: The President Gets Caught Being George Bush. Matthews explained that journalists and world leaders are accustomed to seeing the real George Bush, but the American public is not. I guess we can thank our nanny media for that!
And on a personal note, has anyone thought about the children? My children are in tears with the terrible trauma of it all. Good thing the Dirty Decider signed that Decency Act.
Bush News Politics Bush Swears Dubya Media G8 Summit