Friday, July 28, 2006

Anonymous Republican Quote of the Day

"I'm a conservative, but they make me sound like a damned liberal the way they act. They spend like fools, they run up the deficits and they refuse to give a raise to the working people who are struggling. How the hell are you supposed to live on $5.15 an hour these days?"

In a column titled, Simmering Rage Within the GOP, David Broder observes that outraged complaints from the Dark Side are "epidemic" and are often accompanied by the charge that the White House aims to please only the Religious Right. Broder adds that Republicans were gleefully "high-fiving" last week over the defeat of religious zealot Ralph Reed.

According to the WaPo columnist:

"[T]he dissent threatens Republican chances of avoiding a major defeat in the midterm elections. Andrew Kohut's survey for the respected Pew Research Center last month found Democrats far more motivated to vote this year than Republicans. The Democrats held a 16-point advantage over the GOP on the question Kohut uses to gauge the level of interest in voting, exactly the reverse of the situation in 1994, the year the Republicans took over Congress."

And it was only a couple of days ago that another anonymous Republican (since outed and now on his pitifully contrite knees) spilled his unhappy guts on the pages of the WaPo. When you reside on the Dark Side, speaking freely and speaking anonymously are one and the same.

Speaking of being too scared or ashamed to admit that you are a Republican, House GOP leaders are refraining from mentioning the word 'Republican' in their ads and on their websites. The scaredy-cats include Majority Whip Roy Blunt (X-Mo) and Deborah Pryce (X-Ohio).

Perhaps Karl Rove will soon issue a new name for the Ashamed to be a Republican Party.

Any ideas?

And the little Bush Project of Stigmatizing and Destroying the Republican Party is on the march!