Sunday, June 18, 2006

Senate 'Cuts and Runs' From Democracy

Billie Frist has his rovian talking points down pat. As the MSNBC Hardball excerpt below makes clear, what Frist and the Daddy Party do best is cut and run away from the job of representing the views of the American people.

In other words, the Republican Party is the Cut and Run Away from Democracy party. What really stinks is that the Dark Side is so good at defeating the Democrats.

The good news is that Darth Frist will soon cut and run away from the U.S. Senate. Here in Tennessee, we can hardly wait for the cat killer to cut and run home to his Belle Meade mansion.

MSNBC Hardball transcript:

SEN. BILL FRIST (R), TENNESSEE: I think it does help the American people crystallize where they are, by looking where their representatives are. So the cut and run amendment came to the floor of the Senate about two hours ago and in terms of tabling it, overwhelmingly 93-6 is the support of staying the course there and supporting that democracy until they can take over their own security.

MATTHEWS: But you look at polls, the majority of the American people believe going to Iraq was a mistake at this point. . . .

MATTHEWS: Well, how do you explain the latest “Wall Street Journal” poll that just came out? It was announced this morning, basically, that says that 54 percent of the American people are more likely to vote—and these are voters being polled—for a candidate who wants us out of that country of Iraq within the next 12 months.

That‘s after the Zarqawi killing, the bombing, after the president‘s trip to Iraq. After all the fireworks and good news of the last week or two, they still believe that they would rather see a candidate for Congress or Senate who wants to get us out in a year. Why are they still saying that?

Hat tip to Crooks and Liars