Expectations of an announcement regarding Karl Rove's indictment have been running high all week, primarily because of the story by Jason Leopold which reported last week that Rove was indicted, already.
Earlier this week Marc Ash, executive director of Truthout, announced that the liberal online publication was standing by the story.
Meanwhile, there were no sightings of Patrick Fitzgerald. Karl Rove could be seen swaggering and smirking on the front pages of mainstream media. Not one mainstream media outlet carried the story of Rove's indictment.
Late yesterday afternoon, Marc Ash issued what he calls a "partial apology" for Jason Leopold's story:
On Saturday afternoon, May 13, 2006, TruthOut ran a story titled, "Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators." The story stated in part that top Bush aide Karl Rove had earlier that day been indicted on the charges set forth in the story's title.
The time has now come, however, to issue a partial apology to our readership for this story. While we paid very careful attention to the sourcing on this story, we erred in getting too far out in front of the news-cycle. In moving as quickly as we did, we caused more confusion than clarity. And that was a disservice to our readership and we regret it.
As such, we will be taking the wait-and-see approach for the time being. We will keep you posted.
Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t
Truthout has been the target of some serious liberal wrath this week. Its credibility may well be forever shot. Leopold cited multiple anonymous sources for his claim that Rove was, in fact, indicted already. It's hard not to wonder where those sources are now, or why Leopold does not offer a detailed explanation for the silence. It is especially hard not to wonder why no one else has the story. That said, it is also true that Patrick Fitzgerald is under no obligation to announce a Karl Rove indictment on the day, or week, that it happens.
Politics Bush Karl Rove Indicted Election 2006 Rove Fitzmas Patrick Fitzgerald Valerie Plame Cheney Jason Leopold