The Party of Raging Male Hormones Launches Attack Campaign At Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
The Incompetent Party is so desperate and fearful about the upcoming election that they have devised a campaign to attack and demonize House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The chest-beating hypermacho Republicans are apparently terrified of the mother of five and grandmother of five.The fact is: Nancy Pelosi has a lot more in common with ordinary Americans than do any of the members of the Party of Raging Male Hormones.
If we had more women like Pelosi in Congress, perhaps America would not have the highest child poverty rate in the developed world.
More Raging Angry Republican Male Hormones in Congress can only mean more children dying in horrific pre-emptive wars.
The Hill Reports:
Congressional Republicans have begun a media campaign to scare voters about the prospect that Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) likely would become Speaker if Democrats retake the House in November.
The attacks have come from Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). Party strategists are also encouraging surrogates on K Street to suggest that a Pelosi-led Congress would try to impeach President Bush.
Boehner ripped Pelosi on Friday in a press release, asking, “When will Pelosi admit she was wrong on Medicare ‘Part D’?”
The NRCC bragged yesterday about a Newsweek poll showing that 51 percent of Americans had never heard of Pelosi. On three successive days last week, the NRCC derided her for criticizing GOP legislative ideas to attract suburban voters and ripped her view of the economy and Medicare’s prescription-drug benefit.
The Republican National Committee attacked Pelosi after she appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on May 7, saying that “Nancy Pelosi’s vision for the future is one of higher taxes on working Americans, cut and run in Iraq and a little impeachment thrown in for good measure.”
Jennifer Crider, Pelosi’s spokeswoman, retorted, “Why are Republicans threatened by a mother of five and grandmother of five? Because Leader Pelosi is effective. House Democrats are united, disciplined and working for a new direction for America — one that works for all Americans, not just the privileged few.”
Politics Nancy Pelosi Democrats 2006 Election House Minority Leader Congress Republicans