Liberal fury is breaking out all over this state.
Check out the following press release from the Memphis chapter of Drinking Liberally:
Drinking Liberally of Memphis to Host Loving Liberally Party to Protest Frivolous Legislation
Memphis, TN – On Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 7:00 pm, women and men all over the city will join Drinking Liberally of Memphis, at Neil’s, for a party at which sex toys will be sold in a manner originally made famous by Tupperware products.
The idea for this party developed out of our frustration with recent legislation proposed in the TN legislature, which would have made it a criminal act to “knowingly sell, advertise, publish, or exhibit to another person any three-dimensional device designed or marketed to be used primarily for the stimulation of human genitalia.”
While the TN bill died in committee, almost identical legislation has been enacted in other Southern States. Last month, the Supreme Court of MS upheld similar legislation, saying the ban of sexual toys was not protected by the right to privacy.
In an effort to bring public attention to this frivolous attempt to infringe on individual rights and waste valuable taxpayers’ dollars, Drinking Liberally of Memphis will hold a Loving Liberally party, at which merchandise will be presented and sold by Beth Clime of For Girls Only™.
See: The Dire Problem of Dildos in Tennessee (Don't believe it when older posts say "0 comments".)
Radical Right Dildos Drinkng Liberally Memphis Tennessee Sex Toys Charlotte Burks Eric Swafford Sex Morality Police Tennessee Legislators 2006 Election