Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bible Classes In Public Schools

Bible classes in public schools. Yep. Cuz the heathens in this nation need to be put on the right path.

And rightist, Rep. Mark Maddox - whose 3 children all have names that begin with the letter "M" - is just the Christian lawmaker to do the job.

Christian Maddox wants public schools to do their Christian duty by offering Bible classes.

If Tennessee kids went to schools as fine as Tennessee churches, I might believe that Christian lawmaker Maddox has the best interest of all the children at heart rather than the best interest of his own particular "M" tribe.

Alas, our churches are palatial, our schools are squalid.

There will be the usual mumbo jumbo about Christian Bible classes morphing into comparative religion courses.

Yeah, your comparative religion course will follow a longstanding Tennessee tradition: It will be taught by your gym teacher, just like your English, Math and Social Studies classes.

Your gym teacher will be a devout Christian. Your devoutly Christian gym teacher will view all non Christians as troublemakers.

In your Tennessee Comparative Religion class, everything that is not Christian will provoke a wild rolling of the eyes and unrestrained laughter.

The Georgia legislature just okayed Bible classes in Georgia schools.

Email Christian & Democratic Rep. Mark Maddox

This is not an April Fool's Day joke.