Obviously, there are a lot more than three reasons, but this blog has a low tolerance for hatemongering scum.
1.) "During an on-air discussion with a caller, [Rush] Limbaugh said that former Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton was 'trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team ... supposedly, you know, raped some, uh, hos.'"
2.) "During the April 11 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage referred to the woman who alleged she had been raped at a party attended by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a 'Durham dirt-bag' and 'dirty, verminous black stripper' because, according to Savage, she 'lied when she said she was raped at a party.'"
"Savage also referred to the alleged Duke rape victim as 'a drunken slut stripping whore accusing men of raping her when there is absolutely no evidence of such a rape other than what comes out of that filthy mouth of hers.' He later asked: 'What kind of system do we have that anyone can scream rape and not have to show her face?' adding, 'This is all the product of the out-of-control lesbian feminist movement.'"
And from a local shock jock:
3.) "Phil Valentine is a Jerk for saying on his show today that the story of the woman in the Duke lacrosse alleged rape case was automatically suspect because she's a stripper, and that she was crazy for expecting to do her job in front of drinking college boys and not have them go further." (Via Brittney at Nashville Is Talking. )
Misogyny Rape Race Sex Class Duke Lacrosse Gender Duke Rape Savage Limbaugh Radical Right GOP