Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Koufax Awards: Voting is Open

This blog was nominated for a Koufax award, and I'm still pinching myself in disbelief. While I'm too pragmatic to hope to win an actual award, I do feel very honored and humbled by the nomination, and I wouldn't mind it a bit if you went on over and voted for the TGW blog, along with some of your very favorite lefty blogs.

The TGW blog was nominated in the categories of Best Group blog and Best State and Local. If you vote for us, please vote in the Best State and Local category.

I need to say thanks to Amanda at Pandagon, who was kind enough to say: "Best State/Local Blog: I’m giving it up for Tennessee Guerilla Women, for their unflinching look into the heart of darkness."

We also got an endorsement from Booman Tribune: "Tennessee Guerilla Women got my vote for Best State and Local blog, and they deserve it."

I am honored by these endorsements. They make me feel like this blog is indeed a winner.

But the purpose of the Koufax awards is not to label blogs as winners and losers, rather it is to build community and spread the word about the many great lefty blogs. If for no other reason, you should check out the Koufax nominees simply to be exposed to some really great lefty blogs!

You can vote once for one nominee in each category. You can vote by leaving a comment at Wampum or by sending an email.

To vote for Best State and Local blog, leave a comment at this post or here -- where you will find links to the different categories with lists of the awesome nominees.

I seriously doubt I need to remind anyone, but just in case, don't forget Jesus General, who has always been enormously helpful in aiding this blog's mission of exposing the hypocrisy of the radical right in this particular red state. Of course, the General was nominated in a veritable slew of categories. And deservedly so!