Friday, February 17, 2006

Bush Disapproval Soars

Bush's net job approval rating is negative in 40 of 50 states, according to the latest poll by Survey USA. The pResident's job approval ranges from a high of 58 percent in Utah to a low of 25 percent in Rhode Island.

Bush scores a job approval rating of 50 percent or higher in only 7 states. In 15 states, the pResident's disapproval score is 60 percent or higher. Disapproval scores range from 39 percent in Utah to 72 percent in Rhode Island.

In Tennessee, 46 percent approve and 52 percent disapprove, giving Bush a net approval rating of negative 6 percent.

If the presidential election were held today, Tennessee would be a blue state, as would the vast majority of all 50 states. Lawyer-shooting Cheney is doing his best to end the reign of the red states - by turning them blue.

Graphic seen at The Sappho Manifesto