The latest CBS News poll finds that the Bush approval rating has fallen to a new all time low of 34 percent. That's down from 42 percent last month.
When asked to comment, GOP candidates, hoping to win elections this November, replied, Bushie Who?
Bushie can't even muster 34 percent when it comes to his war in Iraq. Only 30 percent think he knows what he's doing in Iraq. That's another all time low. Also, another poll - Zogby - finds that 72 percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq say end the Iraq War this year, dammit.
Thirty-two percent approve of the way the pResident is responding to the needs of Katrina victims.
Seventy percent of Americans are opposed to Bushie's plan to give the Dubai-owned company control over American ports. That includes 58 percent of Bushie's own party.
King George pulls in another all time low on his handling of the War on Terror. A mere forty-three percent approve.
Ah, Bushie, who knew that 42 percent would one day look so good? Just think, next month 34 percent may also look like one of your finest moments. Heh. But really, 34 percent seems a bit high when your middle name is miserable failure.
But how do the American people feel about the Vice?
Cheney scores an approval rating of 18 percent! That's down from last month's 23 percent.
Bushie's previous all time low of 35 percent came one month after he was caught strumming a guitar and eating cake while Katrina victims died of hunger and thirst.
If the U.S. political system was not so uniquely perverse, this confidence crisis would be justification for calling a special election, and bozos Bush & Cheney would be history. We really need to fix that.
Bush Cheney Bush Approval Poll Ports Impeach Bush Miserable Failure Impeachment Iraq