Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bill O'Reilly to Darfur - Pledges Pouring In (heh)

(scroll down for links to free Kristof columns)

Feb. 10, 2006
Latest Count on Pledge Drive
With one-third of the pledges for Bill O'Reilly counted, the total stands at $215,003. Bill, all I can say is, people really want to see you out of your studio and reporting real atrocities.

With so much money being pledged, and so much reader enthusiasm for sending Bill O'Reilly a long way away, I'm thinking of helping him out by planning an itinerary for him in which he could go from one troubled hotspot to the next, taking a year or so.

Feb. 9, 2006
Dollars for O'Reilly
Winter Miller, my poor researcher, whose human rights I had not fully taken into account when I invited readers to send in their pledges to cover Bill O'Reilly's trip to Darfur, has now plodded through one-quarter of the 6,000 pledges that have come in. The total is now $181,207.

We excluded some that set conditions -- one reader offered $20,000 but only on condition that O'Reilly wear body armor no better than that worn by troops in Iraq. Another offered a smaller pledge on condition that O'Reilly be seated in an economy class seat near a toilet.

Feb. 7, 2006
More Good News for Bill O'Reilly
I'm just headed out the door to Columbia University to speak about -- what else? -- Darfur. But as of 7:38 a.m. this morning the pledges to finance Bill O'Reilly's trip to Darfur totalled $75,799.61. (That does not include a considerable number of people who are only willing to pay for a one-way ticket.) I'll have more updates tomorrow.

Feb. 7, 2006
Still More Good News
As of 5 a.m. this morning, our pledges on behalf of Bill O'Reilly added up to $51,498.61. And they're pouring in. Ladies and gentlemen, we may be able to send Bill to Darfur for a MONTH!

Read the whole thing

Also, see latest Kristof Column: Disposable Cameras for Disposable People