Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Alito Gets Party Line Vote

Update: Armando at dkos reports that "Democrats will push for extended debate on the issue, with every Democratic member taking the floor to stretch out debate in what will amount to a non-filibuster filibuster."
As expected the Senate Judiciary Committee vote for Alito was a party line vote. The ten Republicans voted for the extremist judge, the eight Democrats voted against him.

It's time for Arlen Specter to stop claiming that he is pro choice.

Like Sen. Feinstein said, "If one is pro-choice in this day and age, in this structure, one can’t vote for Judge Alito. It is simply that simple. I am very concerned about the impact he would have on women’s rights."

Outside the Capitol, anti-Alito protesters fought the good fight and carried signs reading, "Oppose Alito, Save Roe."

The real battle will be the full senate vote, probably later this week.