Monday, December 19, 2005
We're Winning! We're Winning!
If you missed Bush's prime time speech, direct from the Oval Office, you may not have heard the good news. We are winning the war!
Yes, this is the same pResident who once said, "I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
But never mind that.
In the pResident's words, "We are winning the war in Iraq."
On the question of bringing the troops home, the Commander said he would not allow it. Or, "To retreat before victory would be an act of recklessness and dishonor, and I will not allow it."
The resolute Bush has delivered five war speeches in the past two weeks. Some speculate that the five speeches are an effort to cleverly set the stage for the State of the Union address, at which time the Commander will jubilantly announce to thunderous applause that we have won the war!
If true, the Great Victory and subsequent return of troops will occur, coincidentally, just in time for the mid term elections.
"U.S. commanders have already announced plans to bring the U.S. troop level back to 138,000 by early February... Those commanders hope to have fewer than 100,000 U.S. troops in Iraq by year-end 2006."
But since we are winning the war, and Republican poll numbers are in the toilet, the Commander may well do even better than that.
Some say that Bush chose to deliver his Oval Office war speech on Sunday night instead of Saturday night due to the fear that his appearance might have been mistaken for a segment of Saturday Night Live.
Bush Iraq War Bush Speech SNL War is Peace 2006