Thursday, November 10, 2005

Woman of Mass Destruction Responds to Dowd

Judy Miller, aka the Woman of Mass Destruction, has constructed a website in order to respond to Maureen Dowd and a slew of similarly critical eyes. Miller's site includes a number of articles by and about the Woman of Mass Destruction.

In a letter addressed to Maureen Dowd, Miller responds to what she alleges are "seven specific mistakes" in Dowd's already classic "Woman of Mass Destruction."

Dear Maureen,

I’m glad you always liked me. But in the interests of journalistic accuracy at a very sensitive time for The Times and for me, I wish you had checked some of these damaging assertions about me before you printed them.

Yeah, she really said that. Gee, Miss Run Amok, the entire world wishes you had checked some of your 'damaging assertions' about weapons of mass destruction before you plastered your propaganda all over the pages of the New York Times. If only you had spent less time hanging in the Bush Bubble of Delusion, you might 'get' that it is a 'very sensitive time' at The Times because of you. Duh.

Really, it is a bit much for Miss Run Amok to lecture Maureen Dowd (or anyone) on the subject of journalistic accuracy. In case you missed it, it was Miller who served as the irresponsible journalistic Mouth Run Amok for the Bush Administration in the selling of the Iraq War, so much so that she has been termed a charter member of the deceitful White House war propaganda cabal (WHIG).

In a related story, The Times reveals that Miller's long career at the paper has ended. While the story does not say explicitly that Miller has been fired, it definitely says that it was the Times' idea for Miss Run Amok to depart. In other words, she was fired.
Times Reporter Agrees to Leave the Paper

Catherine Mathis, a spokeswoman for the paper, said it had been made clear to Ms. Miller that she would not be able to continue as a reporter of any kind, not just one covering national security.

Kudos to the New York Times for getting it right at this late hour, and especially to Maureen Dowd for saying what needed to be said:

Judy told The Times that she plans to write a book and intends to return to the newsroom, hoping to cover "the same thing I've always covered - threats to our country." If that were to happen, the institution most in danger would be the newspaper in your hands."

Update: There's more here and then there's "Outraged Judy. Saddened Judy. Charming Judy. Wise Judy. Conspiratorial Judy...." Sheesh! Judy should just give it up and move to Hollywood where there's money for drama.