Tuesday, November 08, 2005

IRS Pursues Liberal Church

Despite numerous complaints about the overtly political nature of conservative churches, including Nashville's own Two River's Baptist Church, of Justice II fame, the IRS is not threatening to revoke their tax exempt status.

However, churches that preach the apparently radical values of peace are not so lucky. There you go.

If Jesus comes back, he better be a friggin' macho warrior, or we will be talking Cruxifiction II.

Diane at MoJo Blog reports:

After Justice Sunday passed this year, some of us were wondering whether the Internal Revenue Service would ever investigate blatantly political churches like Two Rivers Baptist in Nashville.

Now, we learn that the IRS is indeed going after a church for political involvement: All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena may lose its tax-exempt status because its rector, J. Edwin Bacon, preached an anti-war sermon two days before the 2004 election.

Unlike many conservative churches, the Rev. George F. Regas did not mail out voting guides, nor did he explicitly promote one candidate over another. He did criticize the Bush War and the tax breaks for Bush's wealthy family and friends. Promoting peace and consideration for poor people, who knew Christianity could be so radical?