Sunday, October 02, 2005

Republican Ethics

In the Beginning, There was Abramoff . . .

It’s so filthy that the Republican caucus couldn’t even find someone clean to name as Mr. DeLay’s “temporary” stand-in as House majority leader last week. As The Washington Post reported in 2003, Roy Blunt, the Missouri congressman who got the job, was found trying to alter a homeland security bill with a last-minute provision that would have benefited Philip Morris-brand cigarettes. Not only had the tobacco giant contributed royally to Mr. Blunt’s various campaign coffers, but both the congressman’s girlfriend (now wife) and his son were Philip Morris lobbyists at the time. –Frank Rich

"Tom DeLay said he had a new priority in life -- outlawing prison rape."
--Jay Leno

Photo found at Rush Limbaugh Online
Hat tip to All Hat and No Cattle