Monday, October 03, 2005

Bush Dumps Social Conservatives for Corporate Cronies

That's the take of Kos and David Soroto, and it makes sense. Bush is the self-centered Boy King to the bitter end. That should surprise no one.

From Kos:

"So Bush tosses the social conservatives overboard. He doesn't need them anymore. He doesn't need to be reelected. And yeah, he fucks Republicans running in 2006 by demoralizing their shock troops, but what does he care? His world is that of corporate cronyism, not culture wars. And as long as his homeys are taken care of, the rest can go to hell for all he cares."

Kos points to a piece by David Soroto at Huffington Post which documents Harriet Miers' role as "corporate-shill-in-White-House-clothing." Here's a snippet:

I wrote earlier today that Democrats must focus on the fact that Miers' defining career experience up until her nomination was being a Bush crony. These new details about her career only enhance that case, in that it shows she is just like the other corrupt corporate cronies like Enron's Ken ("Kenny Boy") Lay that Bush has surrounded himself with over the years. There is no room on the Supreme Court for people like Miers who are clearly entirely compromised by partisan/corporate loyalties -- loyalties that might make her an attractive candidate to the a corrupt elitists who run today's Republican Party, but a danger to the interests of ordinary Americans.

Surprise, surprise, Bush's base is now reduced to the status of ordinary Americans. Welcome to the club guys, you've had quite a fall.