Friday, August 12, 2005

A New Look

Well, as you can see, we spruced up the blog a bit. Thanks are due to some very dedicated and wonderful Guerilla Women who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes.

It's going to take me a while to get used to the new 'place' and there is still some tweaking going on. The blogger comment system is back temporarily, it sucks big time, and we'll be back with Haloscan asap. The comments and trackbacks have vanished in the night; I'm hoping we can get them back, or that this is not another one of those 'for every gain, there is a loss' deals.

We're also trying to fund some of our efforts to spread progressive ideas and activism in this red state. Bleeding heart liberals that we are, we do it for the cause, but we could do so much more with a little funding. Since George Soros has yet to stop by, we dreamed up some pro-choice, herstory, and TGW goodies (though we're still hoping to hear from Soros). If you are so inclined, you might check out some of our pro-choice postcards and shirts, etc.