Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Justice Sunday II: Birth Controllers to Party in Nashville!

Someone from Hollywood come to Nashville quick and start filming the next blockbuster horror movie: Zell-Miller-Hideous-Vulture Meets Tom-Delay-Ugly-Beast in Music City, USA.

The big Christian cheerleading event for the rightwing takeover of the Supreme Court is coming to Nashville. The lineup of speakers is enough to make this woman leave town:

Zell Miller, Tom Delay, Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Phyllis Schlafly, Chuck Colson, Bill Donohue and Bishop Harry Jackson Jr.

Tom Delay will join with the other wannabee Birth Controllers for the event they bill as Justice Sunday II, God Save the United States and this Honorable Court.

What they really mean is God should save all the best jobs for men, forever keep the number of women in high office at a minority status, and for gawd's sake don't ever ever let her give any orders in the Church.

Pat Robertson is currently leading a 'praying for vacancies on the Supreme Court' campaign. In fact, rightwingers will be praying for the 'good old days' when women were barefoot and pregnant and men were always in charge of everything. Or in the words of Tony Perkins, rightwing extremist director of the Family Research Council:

"Since the 1960s, there has been a steady process to "erode the ideals and values embraced by most Americans." "

Yeah, that 'erosion of ideals and values,' is sometimes called the women's movement.

Perkins and his comrades are desperate to return to the 'good old days' when elite white male hetereosexuals were free to oppress the hell out of everybody else. Traditional values, ah yes.

The event will be at Two Rivers Baptist Church, which is not very far from where I sit.

"Two Rivers Baptist Church is one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in the greater Nashville area. The church's senior pastor, the Rev. Jerry Sutton, is the newly elected first vice president for the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination."

Rev. Sutton is a rising star in the Birth Controller Club:

"The most important legislation in America in the last 50 years has not been legislation, at least not from the legislative branch. It's been something legislated from the bench."

No doubt, Nashville's major daily newspaper, sometimes known as the Southern Baptist Times, will be working everyone up to a frenzy with non-stop-front-page coverage for the weeks to come. Stay tuned.