Saturday, August 27, 2005

Homophobes to Descend on Birmingham

Apparently there's an outbreak of gayness spreading throughout Alabama. It must be a regular gay epidemic, else Focus on the Family would surely hold it's better-dead-than-gay conference some place like, I dunno, San Franciso?

The "Love Won Out" conference promises "freedom from homosexuality."

I'm just glad the wingnuts aren't coming to Nashville; we're still recovering from the Holy Promise Keepers and the Justice Sunday II homophobes.

If you live in or near Birmingham, well, there's still time to get out.

Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that homosexuality is preventable and treatable — a message routinely silenced today. We want people to know that individuals don't have to be gay. That's why we've developed a one-day conference for those looking for answers on this often-divisive issue. Whether you are an educator, parent, concerned citizen or even a gay activist, Love Won Out will inform, inspire and offer you hope.

Come to Birmingham!
Focus on the Family's next Love Won Out conference is scheduled for Sept. 17 in Birmingham, Ala. Please call (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459) for more information.