Saturday, July 16, 2005

RoveGate: Condi Rice Did It, In the Ballroom, With The Candlestick

With the latest revelation that Condi Rice's number two may be involved in the Rovegate scandal, David Sirota speculates that at the end of the game we may find that it was Condi Rice who had the best motive to 'get' Ambassador Wilson, and that it was Condi Rice who did the crime.

"Again - this is all speculation. I'm trying to use the skills I acquired as a child player of the board game Clue to try to figure out what's going on - and I have no proof that Rice was involved. But someone with her profile and position raises questions: she is someone who isn't known as a "partisan gunslinger;" she is someone that, because she is now Secretary of State, they can't just fire easily; and she had not only a broad ideological motive, but a very personal one. And now, at the end of the day, we find out that Rice's number two, Stephen Hadley, may be implicated in the scandal.

So the real question at the end of all of this is simple: Has anyone asked Condi Rice about her involvement in this scandal?"