Saturday, July 23, 2005

Roberts & The Federalist Society: Convenient To Be A Non-member

After virtually every media outlet in the world reported that Roberts is a member of the ultra right-wing Federalist Society, word has come from the White House that no, he is not.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said that Roberts has given presentations before the conservative legal group but is not a member.”

According to Talbert at Corrente, "the White House is actually calling reporters to, er, 'correct' the story?"

Why did virtually every media outlet in the world report this misinformation? Apparently it has been around for years, and possibly it has been allowed to stand uncorrected for years.

Newsmaker, and sometimes CNN pundit and columnist, Robert Novak reports:

"Roberts over the years often has been identified as a Federalist member, but he is reported now as telling Bush aides that he never joined the society. Federalist Society President Eugene Meyer told this column his organization does not reveal its members and disclosure is up to individuals. A link to the
Federalist Society, which has been highly critical of the Supreme Court's liberal decisions, could be used to attack Roberts's judicial objectivity."

Now he tells us. If Roberts has been identified as Federalist Society member for “years”, then surely he has bothered to set the record straight at some point in all those years.

As Lambert points out, all we really know is that the would-be Justice says he is not a member. And he says it now that a membership in the ultra right-wing society could be used against him.

The last time I checked, Supreme Court confirmations were not a faith based exercise. When and where did Roberts go on record disavowing a membership in the right-wing society before it became so beneficial to do so?