Friday, July 15, 2005

Rebuttal to the RNC Rove Fantasy Spin

The Left Coaster has an excellent and well-documented rebuttal to the RNC fantasy spin that passes for a defense of Karl Rove.

Here's the intro:

Treasongate (Part VI): Response to GOP talking points

A number of rebuttals have been provided around the liberal blogosphere to the fakery from the GOP and their media arms about the Valerie Plame expose. Here's a roundup.[NOTE: This page will get continually updated over the next several days as more information comes in. Make sure you bookmark it and visit The Left Coaster for daily updates.

Please feel free to add items in the comments if I missed anything - and distribute far and wide].
TALKING POINT: Valerie Plame (Joseph Wilson's wife) was not covert. FACT:
She was. (More here).

There's lots more.
