Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sexist TN Billboard: Girls Are ‘Just Asking For It’

Knoxville Billboard Tells Girls to Cover up:


You guessed it, this is yet another effort by yet another sex obsessed abstinence organization: “While some find the message sexist in the way it targets girls, Scott Hughes, director of Just Wait, says it's really more about teenage boys.

’Guys are turned on visually by what they see, so it's really saying guys aren't men enough to control themselves, therefore you have to be careful on how you present yourself,' says Hughes."

Yeah, Scott, we’ve heard that before. That was once the rationale for the rule about women keeping quiet in the Church. Women speaking up in Church might cause men to have ungodly reactions. Men just can't control themselves.

Your sicko sexist billboard says: Women and girls get raped because of the clothes they wear. Men just can’t control themselves. Gee Scott, maybe you should move to the Middle East where they put women in body bags so men-who-can't-control-themselves won't be tempted to rape quite so often. We're sure you and your sexist organization would feel right at home there.

Hat tip to Michael Silence.

(I know I'm late on this one, it's been sitting on my desk for ages, but I just couldn't file it over there with all the other stories I don't have time to post.)