Thursday, April 07, 2005

Defeat the Pharmacists Freedom of Conscience Act - Pass the Viagra Regulation Act!

Say Uncle weighs in on the Pharmacists Freedom of Conscience Act, a nasty bill which is currently traveling through the male-dominated Tennessee legislature. If pharmacists had consciences, they’d all move to Canada where people don’t have to choose between life-saving medicine and life-saving food.

Anyway, I thought Say Uncle was a conservative blogger, I may have to go over and look again. On the subject of this nasty misogynistic bill, he says:

“It will allow pharmacists to cite moral objections as a reason for refusing to dispense drugs without fear of liability or disciplinary measures. The bill is being called (and rightfully so) an effort to limit access to contraceptives. And Viagra, I’d guess.”

Well if pharmacists don't have moral objections to Viagra, they ought to. For one thing, I’m sick and tired of all the Viagra spam. For another, I’m sick and tired of all the TV commercials. I’m very sick of the fact that most teen pregnancies involve adult men. Recent studies find that an uncommon number of young adult men request the little blue Viagra pills just cause men like to have fun.

In other words, unregulated use of Viagra promotes irresponsible sex, which leads to unintended pregnancies, which lead to abortions. Hell, that’s exactly what they say about contraception.

Thanks Say Uncle! I’m calling my legislators on this one!

Update: Thoughts of an Average Woman has more on this bad legislative effort.