Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jon Huntsman's Sexist A**hole Quote of the Day

And I thought low-polling Jon Huntsman was the relatively sane one in the GOP carnival of presidential wannabes. There is no sane one. Speaking of the women who've accused Herman Cain, defender of the sanctimony of marriage, of sexual assault, sexual harassment and 13 years of adultery, Jon Huntsman showed his true colors by referring to the women as "bimbos:"

"We’ve got real issues to talk about, not the latest bimbo eruption."

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Yet Another Woman From Cain's Sordid Past

If Cain's wife had any sense, she would have filed the divorce papers a very long time ago:

Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain
: An Atlanta businesswoman is breaking her silence, claiming she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

White was worried a political tsunami was headed her way. So, she decided to head it off, by confessing she was involved in a 13-year-long affair with presidential hopeful Herman Cain...

She says the physical relationship ended about eight months ago, right before Cain announced he was running for president. But the communication did not. When we asked for any corroborating evidence, she pointed us to her cell phone contacts. One name: Herman Cain.

She showed us some of her cell phone bills that included 61 phone calls or text messages to or from a number starting with 678. She says it is Herman Cain's private cell phone. The calls were made during four different months-- calls or texts made as early as 4:26 in the early morning, and as late as 7:52 at night. The latest were in September of this year.

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DNC on Flip-Flopper Mitt Romney: 'The story of two men trapped in one body' (Video)


--... in the DNC video, Jay Leno cracks: “You remember Mitt Romney? He invented Obamacare before he was against it.” And Conan O’Brien jabs: “Experts are predicting kind of a tough fight between Romney and his BIGGEST ideological opponent: Mitt Romney from four years ago.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pepper Spray Pike Meme (Video)

Mocking A**hole Lt. John Pike for pepper-spraying passively peaceful kids like they were some garden cock-roaches... CNN's Jeanie Most documents the mockery that has sprung from the most righteous outrage.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Democrats Urge Obama to Step Aside For Hillary

Democrats Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen argue in the Wall Street Journal that Obama must forgo a second term for the sake of the Democratic Party and for the sake of the country.

For obvious reasons, the piece is titled, The Hillary Moment:

He should abandon his candidacy for re-election in favor of a clear alternative, one capable not only of saving the Democratic Party, but more important, of governing effectively and in a way that preserves the most important of the president's accomplishments. He should step aside for the one candidate who would become, by acclamation, the nominee of the Democratic Party: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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Why Occupy Wall Street Will Keep Up the Fight

From the original instigators of Occupy Wall Street:

Washington Post--Bloomberg’s shock-troop assault has stiffened our resolve and ushered in a new phase of our movement. The people’s assemblies will continue with or without winter encampments. What will be new is the marked escalation of surprise, playful, precision disruptions — rush-hour flash mobs, bank occupations, “occupy squads” and edgy theatrics. And we will see clearly articulated demands emerging, among them a “Robin Hood tax” on all financial transactions and currency trades; a ban on high-frequency “flash” trading; the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act to again separate investment banking from commercial banking; a constitutional amendment to revoke corporate personhood and overrule Citizens United ; a move toward a “true cost” market regime in which the price of every product reflects the ecological cost of its production, distribution and use; and with a bit of luck, perhaps even the birth of a new, left-right hybrid political party that moves America beyond the Coke vs. Pepsi choices of the past.

In this visceral, canny, militantly nonviolent phase of our march to real democracy, we will “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.” We will regroup, lick our wounds, brainstorm and network all winter. We will build momentum for a full-spectrum counterattack when the crocuses bloom next spring.

[The authors - Kalle Lasn and Micah White - are editor in chief and senior editor, respectively, of Adbusters magazine, the go-to source for info on the Occupy Movement.]

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy Hope Poster: Shepard Fairey Replaces Obama With Guy Fawkes Mask (Photo)

The poster reads: "Mister President, we HOPE you're on our side" and the former Obama logo has been transformed into a "We are the 99 percent" logo.

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Brute Cop Pepper Sprays Non-Violent Seated Students at UC-Davis (Video)

This despicable brute of a cop (The brute is Lieutenant John Pike. 530-752-3989 would be right at home in Syria.

Boing-Boing: In the video above, you see a police officer [Update: UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike] walk down a line of those young people seated quietly on the ground in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience, and spray them all with pepper spray at very close range. He is clearing a path for fellow officers to walk through and arrest more students, but it's as if he's dousing a row of bugs with insecticide. . . At least one woman is reported to have been taken away in an ambulance with chemical burns.

Chancellor’s office (530) 752-2065

UC Davis police (530) 752-1727

Occupy UC Davis has a Facebook here: Protesters will be engaging civil rights attorneys to pursue legal action against the University and City of Davis for excessive force and for violating their civil and constitutional rights.

Sign the Petition: Police Pepper-Spray Peaceful UC Davis Students: Ask Chancellor Katehi to Resign!

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Woman Gets Jail For Food-Stamp Fraud; Wall Street Fraudsters Get Bailouts

She lied about her past drug convictions in order to get food stamps or a little help feeding her two children. In unforgiving states like Mississippi, children must go hungry when parents are caught in the War on Drugs.

The mom got 3 years in a federal prison. The children got 3 years without a mom. No pity for children here.

I forget, what did the banksters at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs get?

Anita McLemore, meanwhile, lied to feed her children, gave back every penny of her "fraud" when she got caught, and is now going to do three years in prison. Explain that, Eric Holder!

Here’s another thing that boggles my mind: You get busted for drugs in this country, and it turns out you can make yourself ineligible to receive food stamps.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Running Scared: Herman Cain Cancels Interview With NH Newspaper (Video)

First the newly camera-shy sexual harasser Herman Cain insisted that his interview with New Hampshire's Union Leader "not be videotaped." The folks at the newspaper said okay. Then Herman Cain realized that the newspaper would find other ways to report that he is all ego and no brain, so Cain then demanded that the hour-long interview be cut to 20 minutes. The newspaper said no. Petrified Cain canceled the interview. [via]

Like I said, Herman Cain is running scared.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hillary Laughs At Half-Naked Streaker (Video)

Hillary's Hawaiian Surprise via Daily Mail

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Occupy Seattle: Pregnant Woman & Elderly Woman Pepper Sprayed by Police

Among the peaceful protesters pepper-sprayed by police at OCCUPY Seattle were a pregnant 19-year-old and an 84-year-old activist:

SEATTLE - A downtown march and rally in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement turned briefly chaotic as police scattered a crowd of rowdy protesters — including a pregnant 19-year-old and an 84-year-old activist — with blasts of pepper spray.

The Occupy Seattle movement released a written statement late Tuesday expressing support for "a 4-foot 10-inch, 84-year-old woman, a priest and a pregnant woman who as of this writing is still in the hospital."

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Portraits of 99 From Occupy Wall Street (Photos)

Faces, and Voices, From Zuccotti Park

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elizabeth Hasselbeck Grills Bill Maher (Video)

I thought it was remarkably out of character when Bill Maher said something almost positive about women on Real Time Friday night. Apparently Maher was prepping for his upcoming appearance on The View:

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Scalia and Thomas Prove SCOTUS Is Corrupt

Not only do Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas not bother to hide their extremely partisan points of view, they are actually keynote speakers at "a dinner thrown by health care law challengers."

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Herman Cain Supports Unions, Heh, & Is Very Confused About Libya (Video)

Herman Cain makes Rick Perry look intelligent. Now Cain says he supports collective bargaining. There go the rest of his poll numbers. Herman Cain has no clue about the basic principles required by his right-wing party. Nor has he a clue about foreign policy or even the front page news.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Cainwreck: Ex-boyfriend of Sharon Bialek Talks About Cain's Sexual Misconduct

Sharon Bialek's ex boyfriend held a press conference today and confirmed that Bialek told him about Cain's inappropriate sexual behavior after her meeting with him in the 90's. Cain has plummeted to 3rd place in the polls ("Cain’s support among women has dropped from 28 percent to 15 percent") which is why he brought his wife forward to play like a good Stepford Wife. Cain was never going to be president but there's still time for the creep to try a stint at being an honest person:

In a statement read to reporters in Shreveport, La., Zuckerman says Bialek went to dinner with Cain in Washington and returned "upset. She said Mr. Cain had touched her in an inappropriate manner."

Zuckerman was joined at the news conference by lawyer Gloria Allred, who represents Bialek. The doctor, who described himself as a Republican, said he came forward to "aid the public in evaluating the statements previously made by Mr. Cain and Ms. Bialek."

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Gloria Cain Stands By Her Man

Yet another wife tells the world that she's the last to know.

Gloria Cain says Herman Cain "totally respects women."

Never mind the many charges of sexual harassment, Gloria Cain has obviously not been paying attention to Herman Cain's blatant disrespect for women as demonstrated during the last 2 weeks of his insensitive and sexist campaign.

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Chelsea Clinton to Report for NBC

Wow. I would turn the dial for Chelsea:

NBC is to announce on Monday morning that it has hired Chelsea Clinton to become a full-time special correspondent for NBC News. The appointment is immediate. Ms. Clinton will show up at the news division offices on Monday morning, said Steve Capus, president of NBC News, and will begin work on stories that NBC expects to use as part of its “Making a Difference” series, which runs on “NBC Nightly News.”

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

#OCCUPY Harvard

They're calling it: "rumblings in the aristocratic heartland":

Yesterday students moved into the campus’s cherished Harvard Yard. By midnight, 500+ battled through police and security to set up an encampment, and now the eyes of the nation are having a double-take. There are serious rumblings in the aristocratic heartland. . . . The university's top professors and deans, from Mankiw to Dr. Martin Feldstein to Dr. Lawrence Summers, were architects of the 2008 collapse and key authorities in the intellectual campaign for systemic deregulation. . .

If an occupation can happen at Harvard, it can happen anywhere. Now is the time for a global walk-out.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Cainwreck: Cain Shows Contempt for Nancy Pelosi

Yet more evidence that Cain does not respect the dignity and rights of women:

In response to a question on health-care policy, Cain told the crowd that there was a Republican plan to fix the system, but “Princess Nancy sent it to committee and it stayed there.” Cain got laughter from the debate audience, but many Republicans were not amused.

“Princess Nancy,” asked CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla, “in referring to Speaker Pelosi… Why go there, why refer to her that way given the controversy surrounding you and women? Do you not feel like that was trying to start to juggle when you’re already having to unicycle?”

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Herman Cain: 'All the Women Are Lying & Democratic Machine Out to Get Me'

Herman Cain just held a press conference to tell the world that all the women are liars. According to Herman Cain, four women have accused him of sexual harassment because there is a conspiracy to "stop Herman Cain." Oh, the ego.

This egomaniac needs to retire and STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN.

Cain said that even more women may come forward. Gee, I wonder if they will all have blonde hair.

Cain predicted yet more women will come forward to accuse him of sexually harassing them, though offered a pre-emptive warning that they will not be telling the truth.

“There will probably be others, not because I am aware of any, but because the machine to keep a businessman out of the White House is going to be relentless,” he said. “If they continue to come, I will continue to respond.”

Karen Kraushaar, second Cain accuser wants 'joint press conference'

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Herman Cain Being A Sexist A**Hole on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Video)

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Another Cain Accuser Identified

So now a second woman (see photos of 2 women) has gone public. Karen Kraushaar (she received a $45,000 settlement) has just given an interview to the New York Times. CNN is reporting that Karen Kraushaar has referred to egomaniac Herman Cain as a "monster" and CNN pundits are testifying to this woman's very high degree of professionalism and credibility.

Ms. Kraushaar, a spokeswoman at the Treasury Department, said in an interview that she was upset that her name had leaked into some press reports. But she said that she had decided to speak out now that her identity was publicly known.

“When you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, you are extremely vulnerable,” she said. “You do whatever you can to quickly get yourself into a job some place safe, and that is what I thought I had achieved when I left.”

She said she did not know whether or how she might tell more of her story but said that she had been warming “to the idea of a joint press conference where all of the women would be together with our attorneys and all of this evidence would be considered together.”

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Cain Sought Date With Fifth Woman

Wonder if Cain's wife is paying attention:

“And after the seminar was over, Cain came over to me and a colleague and said, ‘Could you put me in touch with that lovely young lady who asked the question, so I can give her a more thorough answer over dinner?’” She was "suspicious of Cain's motives and delined to set up the date," the Examiner reporter wrote. That prompted Cain to reply, "Then you and I can have dinner." Instead, some of Donella's co-workers suggested a group outing. She said she didn't witness any "inappropriate sexual behavior" at the group dinner. But she claimed he asked the waiter for two $400 bottles of wine, and then stiffed the rest of the group when it came time to pay.

Cain Campaign Attacks Latest Accuser, Candidate Will Hold Press Conference On Tuesday

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