Who's sorry now, Virginia Thomas?
Too bad Lillian McEwen didn't have the courage to speak back when it might have saved the country from the indignity of the lousiest, lying, porn-obsessed Supreme Court Justice evah. But given how determined the boyz in the Senate were to protect their own kind, it probably wouldn't have changed a damn thing if a hundred women had testified:
[S]he said Hill's long-ago description of Thomas's behavior resonated with her. "He was obsessed with porn," she said of Thomas, who is now 63. According to McEwen, Thomas would also tell her about women he encountered at work. He was partial to women with large breasts, she said. In an instance at work, Thomas was so impressed that he asked one woman her bra size, McEwen recalled him telling her. . .
"I have no hostility toward him," McEwen said. "It is just that he has manufactured a different reality over time. That's the problem that he has."
Why Is a Perjurer on the Supreme Court?
Clarence Thomas’s Ex-Girlfriend Backs Anita Hill in Memoir Detailing His ‘Hobby’
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