Friday, March 26, 2010

NOW Prez Terry O'Neill: Health Reform Bill Is Sex Discrimination (Video)

It certainly is sex discrimination. And NOW has a long and valiant history of winning sex discrimination cases. Granted, that seems like a very long time ago, but with a little luck, we are on our way back to that kind of era. Conservative eras only seem like they last forever.

Terry O'Neill lays out the sexist health deform bill, in the video clip below. At the Campus Progress discussion, the National Organization for Women (NOW) President added that NOW intends to wage a campaign to repeal the atrocious Hyde Amendment (watch that video clip here).

"[A]bortion rights advocates will find a strange bedfellow in the "pro-life" Susan B. Anthony List, which has vowed to oppose the re-election of any Democrat abortion rights opponents who voted for health care reform, including Stupak. The group had previously endorsed him and was planning to honor him until the congressman reached a deal with the White House on abortion."

"It really pains me to conclude that on balance this law is not good for women. It's health reform that has been achieved on the backs of women and at the expense of women. . I've heard women complain very loudly, 'This would never have happened if Hillary had been president.'"