Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If Roland Burris Was Rolanda Burris

So Roland Burris has revised his story again, and this comes amid speculation that damning phone calls between Burris and Blagojevich, or Burris and Blagojevich's brother, were taped by the FBI.

All this comes as no surprise. Burris has been under suspicion since the day he was nominated by the now impeached governor. Even Jesse Jackson, Jr. -- who earned my deepest disrespect during that misogyny infested primary for his profoundly self-centered and petty world view -- had enough sense to distance himself from Blagojevich and forgo his desire for Obama's senate seat.

Roland Burris is not so bright largely because the size of his ego is ludicrous. The man built a monument to himself, for gawd's sake! He named his children Roland, Jr. and Rolanda!! And good luck finding a bio of Roland that even mentions his wife.

Just imagine if Roland Burris' wife was half as visible or ego maniacal as he is. A female Roland Burris would never have gotten Obama's senate seat. Right off the bat, Rolanda Burris would be required to respond to rude and condescending pop quizzes to determine if she was fit to be a senator. Rolanda Burris would certainly be required to display a very large measure of humility. Hell, never mind the monument, if she named two children after herself, she'd be certified as mental and carried away in a straight jacket!

If a woman acted half as full of herself as Roland Burris acts on his most modest of days, she'd be ridiculed and laughed right out of the job. I think they call it: being palinized.

So now Roland Burris says "the media is trying to destroy my character," by which the man means the media is either treating him like he is a crook or treating him like he is a woman.


Roland Burris, resign